Call for Abstracts
Call for Abstracts
We closed the abstract submission
- Original and unique presentations in various surgery fields are solicited from applicants in any fields.
- Only one abstract per applicant will be accepted.
- The Congress President reserves the right to accept/reject submitted abstracts. Such decisions may be based on factors such as presentation style as well as presentation field.
- Approved abstracts will be published in Japan Surgical Society publications and on our website.
- Submission to International Sessions.
Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in length.
Symposium5. Surgical treatment strategies for advanced heart failure
Symposium8. Recent progress in multidisciplinary therapy for advanced lower rectal cancer
Symposium9. Efficacy and Excellence of Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery in the second wave
Symposium10. Management strategy for sentinel node-positive breast cancer:Today and tomorrow
Symposium11. Surgical strategy for congenital esophageal atresia based on long-term prognosis
Panel Discussion1. Artery first approach for resection of pancreatic cancer
Panel Discussion9. Perspective of multimodal treatment for advanced esophageal cancers
Workshop1. HLA related donor specific antibody in liver transplantation
Workshop5. Reconstructive procedure in general thoracic surgery - New surgical strategies -
- Applications are accepted only through online registration via this website.
- To avoid problems due to website congestion immediately prior to the deadline, we recommend early registration.
- Your abstract registration number and password will be required if you wish to modify registered data. Please be sure to keep the information issued to you when you register. Note that for security reasons, inquiries on passwords will not be accepted.
- Inquiries on the Call for Presentation Abstracts
Congress Secretariat Office of the 116th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society
c/o Japan Convention Services, Inc. Kansai Branch
Keihanshin Yodoyabashi Building 2F,
4-4-7 Imabashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-0042, Japan
TEL: +81-6-6221-5933 FAX: +81-6-6221-5938
For those wishing to apply for the travel grant, please proceed to abstract submission on the Travel Grant page.

Acceptance/rejection of Abstracts
Information on acceptance/rejection will be available online. Announcement dates will be posted subsequently.
Please note that personal information provided for registration will not be used for purposes other than for the management and preparations for the 116th Annual Congress of Japan Surgical Society. Personal information is protected with the required security measures.